Success in Hard Times

In the Great Depression of the 1930's, many businesses prospered and grew in spite of tough times. They did this by acting as if there were no depression and people had money to spend, through aggressive marketing and offering great deals. These companies didn't wait for public demand to rise, they created demand, then filled that demand by offering new, higher-efficiency, higher-quality goods or services that in turn created customer loyalty.

Companies as diverse as Proctor and Gamble (Oxydol, Camay Soap), Kelloggs (Kellogg's Pep,™ the first vitamin-fortified cereal), Chevrolet (the Chevy 6), and Santa Fe Railway (the Super Chief) developed, then aggressively offered, new goods and services, and prospered from them.

Laser Dental Centers of America plans to offer our innovations through aggressive marketing and promotion. People want and need more comfortable dentistry, and public awareness about the relationship between health and dentistry is constantly growing. We already have a loyal patient base with a very high degree of patient satisfaction, and are still adding new patients in spite of the economy. Our technology is sound, and has been thoroughly researched and tested for the last twelve years. By creating the demand for more healthy, efficient, and comfortable dentistry, then filling that demand with our style of laser dental treatments, LDCA can and will be successful in the face of this economy.

It is also important to remember that like the Depression of the thirties, these tough times won't last forever. The pendulum will, as it must, swing back to prosperity, and when it does, Laser Dental Centers of America and its partners will be poised to reap the benefits of improved economic growth.

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